Refresh Dance Weekend

Partner Blind

This fun category allows both the lead and follow roles to have a go with being unable to see their partner. We have two songs where:

  • for the 1st song the follow is blindfolded
  • for the 2nd song the lead is blindfolded

There is no requirement that the lead and follow are different people! One dancer in the partnership can remain blindfolded for both songs which means that they have to swap roles for the second song.

Dancers enter as a couple and you stay with your partner for the competition.

For good hygiene practices dancers need to provide their own blindfold.


Split Levels

We have two levels based on the sum of the levels of the competitors,

  • Intermediate: sum range is 2 - 4
  • Advanced: sum range is 5 - 8

For example, in the lower group a Level 3 competitor can dance with a Level 1. Level 4 dancers have to dance in the upper group.

See also: