The Refresh Team
The Refresh Dance Weekend has been put together by Deb, Matt and Zoe from Fevah Modern Jive.
Event Directors - Deb & Matt
We're here to ensure everyone has a great time at a safe, well organised and enjoyable event. We love being hosts and seeing everyone dance and build friendships with dancers from Christchurch and beyond. We're always open for a chat or to help with any questions you may have.
Event Manager - Zoe
Zoe has been involved with Refresh right from the start. She taught the Judges Intensive workshop in 2021 and has been coming up with new ideas for how we can make this weekend as best as we can to refresh aspects of your dancing.
Competition Director - Deb
The competition director is here to help with all aspects of competing and judging such as helping you with rules, judging criteria and anything else. This is a bit like Head Judge but encompasses a bit more and is less scary 😉