Modern Jive Points Index


What is the highest points path?

If you enter a number of categories only the one with the most points will count towards your total - this is called the Highest Points Path.

Leading and following have separate Highest Points Paths.

Do points expire?

Your points will not expire, but we may introduce a method of adjusting back down a level based on your competition performance. (For example if you keep entering at a level but do not earn any progression points then you could move back down a level – again, another form of self-regulation).

What are the tiers?

Some categories have higher status than others, for example DWAS and Freestyle have more importance and are considered Tier 1 categories, whereas than fun events such as Steals are Tier 3.

See the points tables for more information,

Is there a glossary of competition terms?

Yes, we have a page explaining more about how competitions work.

Where does the MJPI come from?

The MJPI started in New Zealand in 2016 to specifically address the needs of Modern Jive dancers and was the first points system to track both leading and following separately.