Christchurch Modern Jive Championships


Judging FAQ

Even if you've competed or judged before we recommend having a good read of these rules. Rules that are category specific are detailed in the description of each category.

This is a Modern Jive competition so we expect to see Modern Jive dancing which is a social partner dance that borrows from many dance styles but has no specific footwork.

Well travelled dancers know that each country and region has its own 'dance accent' that adds to the variety and appeal of Modern Jive. There are local preferences that are neither better nor worse compared to what they may be used to - they are just different.

If anything, we try to have as few rules as possible that allows us to dance socially with a partner to any music.

What is Modern Jive?

Modern Jive is notable for its lack of a universal formal structure, and we want to celebrate the variety of movement and creativity that allows. When judging if something is "Modern Jive", judges will look at the structure of the moves and the timing as described below.

In Modern Jive classes, moves are counted "5 & 6 & 7 & 8". Each beat of the music is represented by a number (5, 6, 7, 8) or an "&". Typically, moves are started using an concertina action (moving towards and away from each other), where the lead and follow step back for "&, 1".

Non-contact dancing

  • When connection with your partner is broken for break away / non-contact dancing it should be regained within 8 Modern Jive counts (16 beats of music)
  • Modern Jive is a partner dance, if you break away too many times you risk getting lower scores

Enter as a Lead and/or Follow

For each category you can enter one level as a lead and a different level as a follow provided you have joined the MJPI for both roles. You must have a different partner for each level.

For DWAS, competitors can enter as a lead or as a follow or both (provided your lead and follow levels are different)


Lead and Follow

There is no restriction on who can enter which categories.

  • You can lead in one category and follow in another
  • In categories where your partner is supplied your partner could be anyone - they'll just be dancing the opposite role

Changing / Switching Role

If you have entered a lower level because you are dancing your weaker role then you must stick to that role for the duration of the dance. You can switch roles in the following categories:

Category Switch Roles
Big Moves ✔️
Steals ✔️
Triples ✔️
Prepared Freestyle ✔️
Showcases ✔️
Teams ✔️
Allowable Moves


Level Supported Baby Aerials Full Aerials
1 Only Leans
2 ✔️
3, 4 ✔️ ✔️


Level Supported Baby Aerials Full Aerials
1, 2 ✔️
3, 4 ✔️ ✔️

Fun Categories

Category Supported Baby Aerials Full Aerials
Lucky Dip ✔️
Music Mashup Int ✔️
Music Mashup Adv ✔️ ✔️
Partner Blind ✔️
Steals ✔️
90+ Freestyle ✔️ ✔️
Triples ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Big Moves ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Choreographed Categories

Category Supported Baby Aerials Full Aerials
Prepared Freestyle ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Showcases ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Teams ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Simpler moves done well is usually better than complex moves done not so well 😉

Move Definitions

Supported Moves


In a lean a dancer is supported along the whole body of their partner. Leans are considered the simplest and safest supported moves and are allowed in all categories. A lead should still ask for permission before performing a lean on their partner.


The leader of a dip supports their partner using hands or arms and often with some part of the torso in contact to tilt their partner off vertical, and the partner should also be supporting their own weight as much as possible.


The leader of a drop supports their partner using hands or arms to lower their partner close to the floor, often to horizontal.


The leader of a seducer uses their hands and arms to initiate the move and their upper leg to support their partner when tilted into position. (In some dance schools the term seducer is used interchangeably with "dip")


Dancers in the splits parallel to the floor are assisted with the support of their partner for lowering into position and/or rising out, qualifying this as a supported move.


We consider aerials or lifts to be moves where a dancer supports the weight of their partner with the aim to take them off the floor. These moves can vary in several ways and are often split into different types: baby aerials and full aerials.

Baby Aerial

Is a move intended to take one partner off the floor and support the majority of their weight at or below chest height of the supporting partner.

Full Aerial

Is a move intended to take one partner off the floor and support the majority of their weight above chest height of the supporting partner.

Death Spiral

A death spiral is where the leader of the move is spinning their partner who is horizontal on the floor (laying down) and often outstretched. Death spirals require good floorcraft, a large amount of space and often for an extended period and therefore they are only allowed in Showcases and Teams.