Teams are a group of couples (or triples) all dancing to a choreographed piece of music chosen by the team.
- Teams dance a choreographed performance to their choice of music between 2.5 to 4 minutes long
- Teams must have a minimum of three couples or triples
There are no heats for teams, instead each team performs one after the other. At the Christchurch Champs, the team events are often held at the start of the Saturday evening session.
Practice Times
There is no scheduled time put aside during the day of the competition to have a practice run through however access to the venue can be arranged on the Friday:
Floor Dimensions
The dance floor will be at least 18m wide x 12m deep.
📋 Judging Criteria
Unlike non-Choreographed categories, Teams, Showcase and Prepared Freestyle are judged according to five categories. Each entry is ranked separately in each of the five categories to make an overall score.
- Everyone needs to be moving accurately and in time with the choreography and each other
- We are looking at percentages - a large team with one couple slightly out of time be ranked higher than a small team with one couple out of time
- Each couple/triple must fit in with the team so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
- Basic dance technique is required to gain a better ranking
- Choreography is the sequence of movements that the dancers make to the music
- This may involve switching positions, switching partners and different couples moving differently to the same section of a song
- We expect to see attention paid to how the dancers present their performance to the audience through the use of costumes and other themes
- Presentation also covers the spirit with which the team present their routine
Modern Jive Content
- Routines will be ranked according to the perceived amount of Modern Jive content in their Choreography
- Where needed judges will consider which routine is the best quality representation of Modern Jive to decide a final order
🎵 Music
Please ensure your music / song gets to us in time and is playable!
- MP3 format
- between 2.5 to 4 minutes
- send or share via email, Dropbox etc at least 1 week before the competition starts. Attach any start or fading instructions