Christchurch Modern Jive Championships


Rules Judging

A showcase is a choreographed dance for one couple (or triple) to a piece of music selected by the performers. So while there are no other couples to be in sync with, the performance needs to be well executed and be of a high standard.

  • Showcases may be either a couple or a triple entry
  • Showcases should be between 2.5 to 4.5 minutes long including walk on time
  • All moves are allowed including full aerials
  • We reserve the right to preview performances before an entry may be accepted

Entry Requirements

  • Limited to 6 entries
  • At least one, but preferably all dancers in a showcase must be Level 2 or higher
  • Register by 11:59pm Friday 14 February, 2025 (8 weeks before the start of the competition)
  • If there are more than 6 entries then we will prejudge 6 weeks before the start of the competition based on a submitted video of the first minute of your routine

Practice Times

There will be time to have a practice run through during the dinner break.

Floor Dimensions

The dance floor will be at least 18m wide x 12m deep.

📋 Judging Criteria

Unlike non-Choreographed categories, Teams, Showcase and Prepared Freestyle are judged according to five categories. Each entry is ranked separately in each of the five categories to make an overall score.


  • Dancers need to be moving accurately and in time with the choreography and each other


  • We are looking for the exceptional partnership that results from significant practice


  • Choreography is the sequence of movements that the dancers make to the music


  • We expect to see attention paid to how the showcase is presented to the audience through the use of costumes and other themes
  • Presentation also covers the spirit with which the team present their routine

Modern Jive Content

  • Routines will be ranked according to the perceived amount of Modern Jive content in their Choreography
  • Where needed judges will consider which routine is the best quality representation of Modern Jive to decide a final order

🎵 Music

Please ensure your music / song gets to us in time and is playable!

  • MP3 format
  • between 2.5 to 4.5 minutes in length including walk on time
  • send or share via email, Dropbox etc at least 1 week before the competition starts. Attach any start or fading instructions